Friday, March 1, 2013

Catholic bishops officially endorse gay hate orgy 'to stand in solidarity with people of good will'

Picture of a Bible Which part talks about hating people? Nothing says "love thy neighbor" like joining a big ol' hate orgy outside of the Supreme Court to protest equality. But on March 26, when the Court will hear oral arguments on the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8, bigots devoted to upholding the sanctity of Newt Gingrich's three marriages will convene to wave signs and shout things and cry a lot about how consenting adults loving each other makes them really sad.

In February, the archbishop of Philadelphia announced his support for the "March for Marriage," and now the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued its own endorsement:

We are grateful for this opportunity to express support for the Marriage March and to encourage participation in this event. We realize that the march will occur during the solemn days of Holy Week, but we ask that you consider promoting this event in your diocese and parishes and encourage participation where possible. Goal Thermometer

The march will be a significant opportunity to promote and defend marriage and the good of our nation, to pray for our Supreme Court justices, and to stand in solidarity with people of good will. It also complements well the bishops' Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty that was approved last November[.]

Yes, the steps of the Supreme Court will no doubt be swarming with "people of good will." You know, those people who think gays and lesbians should be specifically excluded from the Constitution so they can spend more time burning in everlasting hell because they think the Bible says so. Sure, it's the holiest week of the Catholic calendar, but hating gay people is just that important. Priorities, people!

Here's a truly worthwhile priority: Help fight back against the agenda of hate by helping to make marriage equality a reality in Oregon.


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