Thursday, November 1, 2012

VoteVets goes on the air for Sherrod Brown

VoteVets, the progressive veterans group founded by Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, has gone on the air with a $1.25 million ad campaign in three Senate races, Ohio, Nebraska and Virginia. Here's their ad for Sherrod Brown in Ohio.

In Ohio, the VoteVets ad seeks to describe Mandel's opponent, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D), as a strong leader on veterans issues. The ad describe Brown's work on veterans education and training initiatives, along with his votes in favor of tax cuts for veterans. The ad comes as Mandel, a Marine veteran who served in Iraq, has highlighted his military service in ads and during three debates with Brown. VoteVets indicated that it will spend $200,000 on the Brown ad.
Brown has a solid record on veterans issues, including trying to prevent having more of them by voting in opposition to the war in Iraq. Brown's support for veterans is one of the reasons they lined up to support him when Josh Mandel called him "un-American," even though Mandel is a veteran, a Marine who served in Iraq.

Goal Thermometer
He's an iffy choice for veterans, since he reliably toes the GOP line. He has so far refused to say whether he supports the Ryan budget, which would severely undercut the Veterans Administration and veterans health, job training and education programs. Mandel has been mum on these cuts, and coy about any specific spending cuts, though he says on his website that we must have "massive reductions in our spending that reduce the deficit by significant margins in the next few years."

Manel would likely be little more than a lackey for GOP leadership and for the interest groups that have kept him afloat in this campaign with the millions they've spent against Brown. No one, including veterans, needs another one of those guys in the Senate.

Please help keep Sherrod Brown in the Senate and get Ohio Democrats to the polls.

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