Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sheriff Joe humbly suggests he be invited to the White House to drink beer and/or give advice

Sigh. Oh, Lord.
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio would like to have his own version of a "man-to-man" beer summit with President Barack Obama so he could give the president advice on dealing with immigration, the outspoken law enforcement official told Breitbart News in a story published Tuesday.

"I wish the president would invite me to the White House," he said, according to the website. "We'll have some wine and beer, and light up cigars." [']

"I won't even ask you for your birth certificate," Arpaio told Obama through Breitbart News.

I can just imagine Obama saying, "You know what? I don't think we've heard from enough batshit insane crackpots, during this immigration thing. Why don't we call in that one crazy-ass guy from Arizona'no, the other one. Yeah, let's give him a call and see what the guy who we filed a lawsuit against because he can't stop violating the civil rights of people in his county thinks about immigrants. We'll light up some cigars, and he can fill me in on how batshit insane racist conspiracy assholes think the country should be run. We should get right on that."

Here's hoping that when all the America-loving sovereign secessionists successfully secede, they take Joe with them. He can be their secretary of the Navy for all I care.

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