Thursday, November 1, 2012

Poll: Overwhelming support for Obama's hurricane response

President Barack Obama speaking at the Red Cross in aftermath of Hurricane Sandy President Barack Obama's response to Hurricane Sandy is drawing high marks from voters, a Washington Post/ABC News poll finds:
Nearly eight in 10 likely voters say the president has done an 'excellent' or 'good' job dealing with what's been labeled a 'super storm.' Almost as many give positive reviews to the federal government's response generally. Even two-thirds of those who support Republican Mitt Romney in next week's presidential election say Obama is doing well in this area.
The storm response poll was drawn from a single night of a tracking poll and has a margin of error of six points. But with 78 percent of respondents rating President Obama's Sandy response positively to just 8 percent rating it negatively, margin of error isn't too much of a concern. Reviews are more mixed when it comes to Mitt Romney, whose response was seen positively by 44 percent and negatively by 21 percent.

As disturbing as it is that 44 percent of people say that counter-productive canned goods collecting and general flailing is a good hurricane response, it is a lower percentage than say they're supporting Romney in the tracking poll as a whole, where he draws 49 percent support. On top of that, on this issue, voters are much happier with the federal government, which Romney is campaigning against at every opportunity, than they are with Romney: 73 percent approved of the federal government response, while 9 percent disapproved.

Help protect the federal government's ability to respond effectively to disasters like Hurricane Sandy. Please sign our petition telling House Republicans to not take Hurricane Sandy relief hostage in lame duck negotiations.

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