Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Herman Cain's passing acquaintance with the real world

Herman Cain, being unintentionally hilarious:

Liberals really don't understand the real world, hence we have ObamaCare... http://t.co/... #tcot
' @THEHermanCain via TweetDeck

Ah, yes. It's liberals who don't understand the real world.

Daily Briefing: Obama wins, Congress unchanged http://t.co/...
' @CainTV via TweetDeck

Dems picked up two seats in the Senate, eight seats in the House. In the real world, anyway.

100s of people crowding airport parking structures for a glimpse of the Romney plane? That's momentum! http://t.co/...
' @THEHermanCain via TweetDeck


These people say Romney's tax plan doesn't add up, but this poll does? http://t.co/... #tcot
' @THEHermanCain via TweetDeck

Unskew the real world!

Wow! RT @CainTV: Romney leading Ohio early voting by 92,000? http://t.co/... #tcot
' @THEHermanCain via TweetDeck

Following the links, it turns out Cain was excited over an Ohio newspaper accidentally going live with their election results table with fake dummy data overly optimistic for Romney. In other words, a perfect metaphor for the way conservatives handled the election.

HaHa! RT @CainTV: Obama spin: Romney's expanding the map because he's weak and desperate http://t.co/... #tcot
' @THEHermanCain via TweetDeck

Romney was "expanding the map" because he was weak and desperate. In the real world, of course.

With a week to go, there's no doubt the momentum is in the right direction: http://t.co/... #tcot
' @THEHermanCain via web

Other people knew better. In the real world.

Great news! RT @CainTV: Romney eliminates gender gap with women, holds lead with men http://t.co/...
' @THEHermanCain via TweetDeck

Obama won women 55-44 in the real world. And there were far more women voters than men (53-47). That's why cherry-picking outlier polls is not a good idea.

Coming up next on @hannityshow @FoxNews  Sean and I talk about lack of civility on the left #TCOT
' @THEHermanCain via web

And then there are those times they don't even pretend to live in the real world.

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