Saturday, November 3, 2012

Harry Reid: Romney's promises of bipartisanship are 'laughable'

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) speaks to the media after a caucus meeting with Senate Democrats on Capitol Hill in Washington August 1, 2011. Maybe it's just me, but I'm sensing some friction between Reid and Romney. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has no love for Mitt Romney's promises to "reach across the aisle" and be bipartisan and whatnot:
'Mitt Romney's fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his 'severely conservative' agenda is laughable,' Reid said.

'Mitt Romney has demonstrated that he lacks the courage to stand up to the Tea Party, kowtowing to their demands time and again. There is nothing in Mitt Romney's record to suggest he would act any differently as president,' Reid added, warning that, 'Senate Democrats are committed to defending the middle class, and we will do everything in our power to defend them against Mitt Romney's Tea Party agenda.'

It's hard to imagine Mitt Romney as a "bipartisan" leader. It's a sketchy proposition to even think he would be able to bridge the chasm between the anarchist Republicans and the more business-centric ones. Most of his own base dislikes him and distrusts him, and even the hint of compromise with the other party would get him tarred and feathered.

That's not a slam against Mitt personally, who's such a generic figure that he's got pundits on every side baffled as to which groups Mitt's been lying to and which groups he hasn't. I don't see any figure that can reunite the two halves of his warring party. The tea party wing wants to crush so-called "compromising" Republicans outright. The nomination of supposed moderate Mitt Romney over their own nutty choices (Bachmann, Santorum? Really, guys?) was one of their few defeats this primary cycle, and even if he by some chance pulls off an upset win on Tuesday, they're not going to suddenly start liking him'or giving him permission to "reach across the aisle."

Please give the president a boost by donating to help him close strong in the final days of this campaign.

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