Monday, November 5, 2012

Final battleground snapshot, and my predictions!

U.S. President Barack Obama addresses thousands of supporters in Madison, Wisconsin November 5, 2012, on his last day of campaigning.  REUTERS/Larry Downing Victory's eve. As always, these are the TPM polling composites, comparing the trendlines from last Wednesday.

You'll be glad to know that this battleground snapshot, the 31st I've written this year, is it. We're done. Tomorrow, we'll have real results, and the day can't have come any sooner.

Particularly since President Barack Obama is winning handily.

Florida is about the only state where Obama lost ground, while he surged in Wisconsin. Everywhere else, the movement was incremental, and mostly in the president's direction. And note'Obama's deficit in Florida and North Carolina is smaller than the deficit in any of these other battleground states. And with undecideds breaking to Obama, Romney's got zero room to grow.

Head below the fold for my predictions. Hint, it's a 332-206 Obama victory.

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