Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sen. Chuck Schumer: Democrats won't be negotiating on debt ceiling

Chuck Schumer Add Sen. Chuck Schumer to the list of Democrats that say there won't be a negotiation over the next debt ceiling:
'I think that risking government shutdown, risking not raising the debt ceiling, is playing with fire,' Schumer told reporters in the Capitol, in response to a question from TPM. 'Anyone who wants to come and negotiate, and say 'we will raise the debt ceiling only if you do A, B, C' will not have a negotiating partner. And if then they don't want to raise the debt ceiling, it'll be on their shoulders. I would bet that they would not go forward with that.'
The White House has been forceful in their own assertions that there won't be any negotiation this time around; the ultraconservative Sen. John Cornyn, on the other hand, is the latest to say that the Republicans aren't going to budge unless Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security all get hit, and to very specifically threaten a government shutdown if the GOP doesn't get their way. If all parties here are sincere, that means that there is no deal possible, and that there will, in fact, be a government shutdown, right?

We'll see. There's still two months before this next self-inflicted fiasco deadline, after all; these are just the opening bids. Well, non-bids.

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