Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: Bookmark our poll closing times map & key races list for Tuesday

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest banner Want the scoop on hot races around the country? Get the digest emailed to you each weekday morning. Sign up here. Leading Off:

' Poll Closing Times: We've dusted off and updated our colorful poll closing times map (with assistance from Faith Gardner and Miles Kurland), and we've also put together a list of all the key races and arranged them by the hour polls close in each state, so that you'll know when to start looking for returns. You can find all of this at the link, which you'll definitely want to bookmark and keep open in a tab on e-night, but here's copy of the map as well:

Daily Kos Elections 2012 Poll Closing Times Map (click for larger version) There are also a couple of other Daily Kos Elections special features you'll want to check out for election day, as well as an important programming note:

' Ballot Measures & State Legislatures: Downballot elections are our stock-in-trade here at Daily Kos Elections, and we never hesitate to wade deep into the weeds. So check out David Jarman's excellent state-by-state preview of the most important ballot measures nationwide, as well as which state legislatures could see a change in party control.

' Prediction Contest: The Daily Kos Elections Nov. 6, 2012, prediction contest is here! Just click on over for full instructions, including links to the contest entry form. (Also, we've finally gotten around to announcing winners from our prior two contests, so check out the post to see if you've won.) You can submit your guesses up until 6 PM ET on Tuesday (when the first polls start to close).

' Site News: On Tuesday, Daily Kos will conduct two parallel liveblogs: On the Daily Kos front page, Markos will direct coverage of the presidential race, and he'll also be following other key statewide races, like the big Senate contests and the various marriage equality ballot measures. On Daily Kos Elections, we will, as always, comprehensively cover all competitive downballot affairs: Senate, House, governor, ballot measures, state legislatures, and more. You'll want to keep tabs open to both dailykos.com and elections.dailykos.com.

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