Friday, November 2, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: As outside money finally flows in, Akin revisits abortion & rape

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' MO-Sen: Following on the heels of news that Now or Never PAC would parachute in with $800K on GOP Rep. Todd Akin's behalf at the 11th hour, the Missouri GOP is following suit with $700K of their own. Of course, you have to wonder where the state party got such money'few such outfits are that well-funded, and even if the MO Republicans were, no one's really keeping that much cash around with so little time before the election. The only real possibility, therefore, is that the money came from the NRSC (they're refusing to comment)'and of course their chair, John Cornyn, rather famously said he was cutting Akin loose after his legitimate rape implosion, and really seemed to stick to his guns.

So what's happening here? Are Republicans actually seeing a chance for themselves? Or are they just conning themselves into imagining that the natural tightening you'd expect here is real movement back toward Akin? Is there no other candidate they could better spend the money on? Well, I've asked my four questions, but it may not matter. Akin's out with a new ad that'stunningly'features a woman who says she was a rape victim and has had an abortion but is support Akin because he "defends the unborn." (It's not clear if the two were linked. And of course, Akin doesn't even think such a linkage is possible.) It's absolutely amazing that Akin would want to call attention to the very topic which sunk his own candidacy.

Dem Sen. Claire McCaskill's also lowering the boom with one final new spot, featuring footage of Mitt Romney calling on Akin to drop out of the race and John McCain saying "he would not be welcome by Republicans in the United States Senate." You know she was just holding this anvil in reserve. Let's hope it's enough to keep the lid of Todd Akin's political coffin tightly shut.

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