Thursday, April 26, 2012

To avoid setting off the filters, I have to stick with the #%!!@&#*@! label for Gov. Phil Bryant

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant As you may know, the Republican-dominated Mississippi legislature passed and the Republican governor has signed a bill specifically designed to shut down the state's last remaining clinic that performs abortions. Meaning women's rights to privacy and choice will be snatched away unless they're affluent enough to get to a state where a legal medical procedure can still be obtained.

Bryant rubbed salt into the wound Tuesday when he appeared on American Family Radio's "Today's Issues" with American Family Association president Tim Wildmon and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins:

Bryant: You would think that Barack Obama and all those on the left that love so much to talk about women's health care would rush to support this bill, would just say, "absolutely we want the strongest health care, we want admissions privileges, we want that women that is going through that abortion for her life and safety to be paramount," well it should be the paramount of the child.

Even if you believe in abortion, the hypocrisy of the left that now tried to kill this bill, that says that I should have never signed it, the true hypocrisy is that their one mission in life is to abort children, is to kill children in the womb. It doesn't really matter, they don't care if the mother's life is in jeopardy, that if something goes wrong that a doctor can't admit them to a local hospital, that he's not even board certified. We passed that bill and I think you'll see other states follow and when that happens at least these fly-in abortionists are going to be regulated under the state laws of the Medical Procedures Act here in the state of Mississippi as they should be across the nation.

Perkins: Well the driving factor is profit for many of them.

Even those Americans who have repeatedly encountered the sewage spewed against supporters of women's reproductive rights for the past half-century have to gasp at the putrescence of Bryant's characterization. As Jezebel snarked, no doubt grinding her molars:
Just as zombies crave the delicious chewy flesh of the human brain, so too do pro-abortion rights people crave nothing more than to abort the shit out of every pregnancy. We're like hormonal teenagers. We'll abort anything that walks. All day we dream about abortion.

Naturally, neither interviewer was about to challenge Bryant's lies, including the fact that the three OB/GYN physicians at the Mississippi clinic are board-certified and the reason two of them come from out of state is because they've been harassed and threatened. Threatened abortion providers in the past have been assassinated.

Amid the other myriad lies told in those couple of minutes of radio time, Bryant did tell one truth: Other states will try the same approach. South Dakota, for instance, would be a good bet. Already only one clinic providing abortions in the state is in operation, in Sioux Falls. But the doctors fly in every week from Minnesota because no local physician can be found to perform the procedures.

The forced-birthers are relentless. So must we be who believe in women's right to control their own wombs. For years we have been told to make accommodations with our foes in this matter. But they cannot be accommodated. They have one objective in mind. End legal abortions. That is completely odds with ours.

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