Thursday, April 26, 2012

PPP: Support for North Carolina's Amendment One dips to record low

Public Policy Polling has new poll out for North Carolina's Amendment One. The proposed constitutional amendment, which goes before voters on May 8, would amend the state consitution to include:

'Marriage between a man and a woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state.'
The news is encouraging for Amendment One opponents. PPP's Tom Jensen says, "The amendment is still favored for passage, but it's looking like less and less of a sure thing."
"There is some reason to think a huge upset in two weeks is within the realm of possibility."
The polls show support dropping 4 points since the last time PPP polled it, and opposition rising 2 points.

The current breakdown is 54 percent for, 40 percent against. This is a big movement from 61 percent support, 34 percent opposition from PPP's first poll six months ago.

(Continue reading below the fold)

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