Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Planned Parenthood believes it's being targeted with another hidden camera sting operation

spy camera

It looks like, once again, Planned Parenthood is the target of a hidden-camera, actor-with-fake-questions sting operation. This time, instead of the good old pimps-n-hos routine, it's sex-selective abortion:

According to Planned Parenthood spokesperson Chloe Cooney, clinics in at least 11 states have reported two dozen or more "hoax visits" over the past several weeks, in which a woman walks into a clinic, claims to be pregnant and asks a particular pattern of provocative questions about sex-selective abortions, such as how soon she can find out the gender of the fetus, by what means and whether she can schedule an abortion if she's having a girl.
Subtle! The anti-choice crowd's big new thing is that, in the words of National Right to Life president Carol Tobias, "the real war on women" is that "roughly half" of abortions "are performed on unborn girls." Since roughly half of pregnancies are girls, that makes a general sort of statistical sense, though since the vast, overwhelming majority of abortions are performed long before sex can be determined, it's absolutely beside the point when it comes to a war on women. But that claim is the new shiny toy of the right's attempts to distract us from the very real war on women they're waging, so coming up with a video suggesting that Planned Parenthood staff would advocate specifically aborting girls is just the sort of thing they'd think would be a major victory.  

The best bet is that this sting attempt is the work of Live Action, this sort of thing being that group's raison d'etre. However:

Kate Bryan, a spokesperson for Live Action, would not confirm whether the group was behind the newest Planned Parenthood sting. "As you can understand, Live Action does not comment on any investigations until after public release," she said.
Translation: As you can understand, Live Action will not comment on this until we've established whether our footage will allow us to edit together a sufficiently misleading video. If so, we'll release that sucker far and wide. If not, we'll never admit it was us.

Even though Planned Parenthood has blown the whistle before any misleading videos can be released, and even though the media should have learned by now exactly how full of lies videos from Live Action and other James O'Keefe imitators are, Planned Parenthood needs our help fighting off this kind of attack. Click here to donate to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund on Act Blue.

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