Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Glenn Beck: God told me to quit Fox News or 'lose my soul'

Here's Glenn Beck in his own custom-built
Oval Office, which isn't crazy at all.
Speaking with televangelist James Robison, ex-Fox News personality Glenn Beck discusses being canned from nobly leaving Fox News of his own accord:
On the day he decided to leave, Beck said he walked up to a floor-to-ceiling window in his New York apartment and asked his wife, 'How could this possibly be God's plan?'

'As I stood there, the Lord whispered to me, 'If you do not leave now, you will lose your soul,'' Beck said. 'It was the easiest decision I've ever made.'

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Sometimes he speaks to you through your large New York apartment windows. Sometimes he speaks to you by having Roger Ailes walk into your office and fire your crazy ass. It's all good.

I don't know what Glenn's been smoking, but apparently he's been sharing:

'The primary reason that he left is because they were not comfortable with him talking about God and Jesus as often and as freely as he did,' said Robison, who participated in Beck's presentation.
Wait, was that the problem? That's not how I remember it. I remember Glenn Beck slowly becoming more and more detached from reality, littering his shows with inexplicable conspiracy theories and crying jags brought on by apparently nothing in particular. I remember anonymous mutterings by other Fox News employees that he was making the already-impossible-to-shame network look even crazier, and reports that Fox head Roger Ailes was making the conscious decision to rein in his network's most inflammatory and crackpot elements in an effort to appear less, um, crackpotty. Oh, and the advertisers were peeved, and the audience was shrinking, and no network is going to keep flushing their own credibility down the toilet unless there's at least some decent money in it for them, which there wasn't.

But now we hear that it was really all about how Fox News hates Jesus, and God spoke to Glenn Beck in his New York apartment and told him he'd lose his mind soul if he kept working there? Well heck, that's pretty darn convenient. God really helped Glenn out on that one, I guess.

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