Monday, April 23, 2012

Cheers and Jeers: Monday

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Here's my idea: persuade 100 of you lovable Kossacks to contribute 10 dollars to Netroots for the Troops (NFTT) so we can erase a cool $1,000 from the fundraising goal.

Last year at Netroots Nation in Minneapolis we boxed up and sent 300 packages for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The mission is a wee bit different this year, thanks (and I do mean THANKS) to our December departure from Iraq. This year in Providence our goal is to divide packages between Afghanistan outposts and stateside VA Hospitals.

NFTT has a few fans you might know:

I am proud to support the efforts of Netroots for the Troops. ... In 2008, Netroots For the Troops® began raising money to send specially designed care packages to our soldiers stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sending our troops practical items like socks, gloves, and LED flashlights, as well as welcome reminders of home like DVDs and CDs, let them know that their sacrifice and personal heroism are not taken for granted. ' We support the troops when we ask smart and tough questions before we put them in harm's way. And we ought to support them while they are in the field doing their duty.
---Howard Dean
I hope you know it matters. ' One of my former interns, Army Second Lieutenant Rory McGovern writes: 'It always helps to have a piece of home come in the mail.' Army Private Jacob Adkins said: 'I appreciate the fact that someone who I don't even know supports me enough to send a care package.' That's the power of a care package filled with pieces of home---because "support the troops" is not just a bumper sticker, not just a quick way to shut down a legitimate policy debate, but something real.
---Senator John Kerry
[W]hen I was helping to set up the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, I made the Office of Servicemember Affairs a top priority. I talked with military families and visited military bases---including the base where my brothers had done their basic training so many years ago. ' At home and abroad, our men and women in uniform--and their families---are tough, smart, and resourceful people. Just as I have always been proud of my brothers and their service, I'm proud to be here today with Netroots For The Troops.
---Elizabeth Warren
I just want to raise a quick grand today, is all, so Tony Gattis and his team can count on that to help 'em get what they need to make  NFTT's fifth year as successful as its predecessors.

To be among the superstars cementing your legends in the amber of Do-goodism today, Click here to make a donation to NFTT. Netroots For The Troops, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization, so your donation is tax-deductible.

Only six weeks 'til packing day on June 9. Many thanks for helping us out. This is where once again, we can show the country how progressives walk the talk when it comes to caring for our sons and daughters, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors who serve in uniform.

Seriously. One hundred people, ten bucks each. Crazy, huh.

Cheers and Jeers starts below the fold... [Swoosh!!] RIGHTNOW! [Gong!!]

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