Thursday, April 19, 2012

Catholic bishop compares Barack Obama to Hitler

The Bible Is there nothing in this book but anti-sex rants? What the hell? Here's Catholic Bishop Daniel Jenky, delivering an actual sermon before a march by "Catholic men of faith" to demand women not be allowed to make their own damn decisions on contraception.
"The Church will survive the entrenched corruption and sheer incompetence of our Illinois state government, and even the calculated disdain of the President of the United States, his appointed bureaucrats in HHS, and of the current majority of the federal Senate. . . .

Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open, but would not tolerate any competition with the state in education, social services, and health care.

In clear violation of our First Amendment rights, Barack Obama ' with his radical, pro abortion and extreme secularist agenda, now seems intent on following a similar path."

OK, what the hell? Let me get this straight. Barack Obama is like Hitler, and Barack Obama is like Stalin, because you're being oppressed with some pissant rule about how no, if you're an employer you're not allowed to demand all your non-religious employees comport their healthcare choices with your personal religious bigotries? That's the big fight? Oh my goodness, Barack Obama is so pro-abortion! Oh, he's radical, he's an extreme secularist! Somewhere some woman is getting health insurance that covers birth control pills, and that's just like the Holocaust!.

You know what? Screw you, guy. If having some insurance company somewhere pay for some protestant woman's birth control even though she works as a secretary in an office affiliated with a Catholic-run hospital or school is such an affront to you that it's on the order of Hitler, you can just sod off right-the-hell-now, thank you very much. That's nowhere near the realm of "I have to treat you seriously" discourse. That's just announcing to the world that you're a big, self-important, delusional jackass.

I would love to see my former church (and the word former sounds better and better each time I type it) be as impassioned about anything as they are about demanding the entire world comport to their sexual demands, but apparently that's just not going to happen. I don't know of anyone who's ever been denied communion because they were pro-death-penalty. Or anti-immigrant. Or because they supported monstrous wars for monstrous reasons. Or because they introduced a budget to screw the poor, or supported that budget. I never heard a single American bishop condemn the notion of letting the sick rot or the poor starve'because that's what Deficit Jesus would want, of course'as being something comparable to Hitler or Stalin. Oh, they'll write letters. Oh, they'll maybe mention how that's not really a good thing, tsk-tsk. But it's nothing compared to the all-out war they will wage to make sure women who are not even Catholic have to abide by their bullshitted notions of what a woman's "place" is, and how she should be having sex, and what the consequences of that sex ought to be.

He warned participants in the "A Call to Catholic Men of Faith" rally that Catholic schools, hospitals, and Newman Centers 'could easily be shut down' by the fall of 2013 rather than cooperate with the government's mandate that most health plans cover the cost of contraception, sterilization and some drugs that can induce abortion.

"No Catholic institution, under any circumstance, can ever cooperate with the intrinsic evil of killling innocent human life in the womb," the bishop said.

In my lifetime there have been three fights, and only three fights, that the American Catholic Church have worked themselves into all-out public relations war for. The first was, of course, abortion. The second is protecting pedophilia in their ranks. The third is demanding other women not be provided birth control if they are employed by someone who doesn't want them to have it. That's it. The entire modern history of my church revolves around sex. Not social justice. Not caring for others. Just the sex. The church would rather close down adoption centers than have to treat the gays as potential parents. The church fears it will have to shut down its Catholic hospitals rather than bow to the demand that some protestant woman who works there be provided with fucking pills, or some atheist man have coverage that includes (shudder) sterilization. And it's all Obama-Hitler's fault for it happening.

Screw you, Mr. Bishop, your eminence, your holy protuberance, sir. If you would rather stop working for the sick or the poor than have some non-Catholic person's sex life covered by insurance, at no cost to you, with no involvement from you other than that you sign their damn paychecks as their employer, do it already. Go for it, nobody can or will stop you. If Jesus travelled in the company of prostitutes the least you can do is forgive some extracurricular fucking on the part of your janitors or nurses or secretaries, instead of threatening to withdraw all of your supposed good works in fear of being associated with it. I have no tolerance for this nonsense at this point, I think the church should in general be very, vary wary of getting into any conversation about Hitler and people like Hitler, and I have no notion as to why the bishops of the church believe they have the moral authority to lecture anyone on anything, at this point.

Rant over. Now go in peace, and maybe try doing some goddamn good deeds instead of just bullying the women of America into becoming second-class citizens subservient to the anti-sexual whims of a bunch of pompous old men in oversized hats.

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