Thursday, April 19, 2012

ABC/Washington Post: Mitt Romney is the least popular nominee ever surveyed

Romney Americans aren't big fans of Governor Dog-on-Roof (Jessica Rinahldi/Reuters) Presenting the first ever major party presidential candidate who couldn't pass the Turing Test:
Mitt Romney has emerged from the Republican primary season with the weakest favorability rating on record for a presumptive presidential nominee in ABC News/Washington Post polls since 1984, trailing a resurgent Barack Obama in personal popularity by 21 percentage points.

Thirty-five percent of Americans see Romney favorably, while 47 percent have an unfavorable opinion of the former Massachusetts governor. He's the first likely nominee to be underwater -- seen more unfavorably than favorably -- in ABC/Post polls in eight presidential primary seasons over the past 28 years.

The one tiny sliver of good news for Mitt Romney here is that his net unfavorable rating is actually down a little bit from last month. He's now at -12, up four points from his -16 in March. But even that piece of news comes with a caveat: President Obama's net favorable rating is up as well. In March, it was +10. Now it's +16, a gain of 6 points. So overall, President Obama went from a 26-point edge in net favorable rating to a 28-point one. Translated into words, that means Americans like President Obama'and they don't like Mitt Romney. Shocking news, I know.

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