Friday, March 1, 2013

The sequester is here and congressional leaders are meeting at the White House ... to do nothing

Red alarm clock in a wire trash can The sequester is here and right now Democratic and Republican leaders are meeting with President Obama at the White House to ... uh ... do nothing.
"There will be no last-minute, back-room deal and absolutely no agreement to increase taxes," the [Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the] Kentucky Republican said in a statement.
That open-minded approach was echoed by Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner:
Boehner on the eve of the session reiterated his opposition to including any new tax revenue, a central demand of Obama and Democrats.

'How much more money do we want to steal from the American people to fund more government?' Boehner said.

And against this backdrop, the White House anticipates a "constructive conversation."

Presumably about what to have for lunch.

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