Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ted Cruz: New budget must defund Obamacare

Sen. Cruz: "I intend to object to consideration of any Continuing Resolution that does not include a vote to delay funding of Obamacare."
' @nielslesniewski via TweetDeck Sen. Ted Cruz is once again doing Texas proud. If Obamacare isn't defunded by the spending bill, he'll block it, which could mean shutting down government. Cruz is going to offer an amendment to the Senate's continuing resolution to cut funds, but whether he actually blocks a bill without it will depend on whether his caucus can rein him in.
"I believe we should continue to delay such funding at least until economic growth returns to historic averages, and I intend to object to consideration of any Continuing Resolution that does not include a vote to delay funding of Obamacare," Cruz said in a statement.

Cruz has already ruffled some feathers within the GOP with his acerbic style. And by demanding a provision to defund the healthcare law, he would be picking a fight that most of his Republican colleagues don't seem eager to wage.

Even the House Republicans decided to skip on this fight, and left Obamcare defunding out. (They made up for that by giving the long defunct ACORN another kick in the nonexistent shin). So yes, Ted Cruz is more of a wingnut than the teabagger caucus in the House. And he's there for the next six years. Yeehaw.

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