Monday, March 4, 2013

Romneys give Fox 'News' interview to remind us why we're all glad they're not in the White House

U.S. Republican presidential nominee and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) listens to his wife Ann speak at a campaign fundraiser in Dallas, Texas September 18, 2012. REUTERS/Jim Young (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS) They still don't understand what the hell is wrong with you people Thank whatever deity you pray to, or none at all, that these wretched people are nowhere near the White House.

In their first interview since the Great Shellshocking of 2012, Mitt and Ann allow Chris Wallace into one of their many homes so they can wax philosophical about the defeat everyone outside of their delusional bubble knew was coming, and Ann takes this opportunity to assure us that yes, she's still quite disappointed in you people for not seizing the great opportunity to let her husband regularly insult you from the Oval Office.

Wallace joins them in La Jolla, which is in California, which is, as Mitt informed us during the election, almost as much of a hellhole as Europe because taxes. Which is why he owns a beach front mansion there, of course. That would be the beach front mansion they're turning into a bigger beach front mansion, complete with car elevator, with the assistance of the private lobbyist they hired to fast-track their construction plans, like all totally normal average Americans do.

Yeah, don't you miss these people so much? If you do, head below the fold for lots of delusions, plus Ann's tear of sorrow for you people.

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