Friday, March 8, 2013

Deadbeat dad and loser ex-congressman finally gets a job so maybe he can stop being a deadbeat again

Joe Walsh speaking on YouTube Ex-Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Deadbeat) Well, this is some very exciting news. Joe Walsh, the former Illinois congressman and perpetual deadbeat dad, has finally landed himself a shiny new job:
While the ink's not quite dry yet, Walsh told the Daily Herald Wednesday that he will sign on as a Monday-through-Friday talk show host at Rolling Meadows-based WIND 560 AM beginning March 18. The McHenry Tea Party firebrand will have a 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. time slot, following the Steve Cochran show. [...]

"I'm focused on growing the freedom based movement. Whether that leads to another run down the road, in the short term or long term, I don't know. This radio show, is going to be another platform right now for me being a voice for freedom."

Walsh is no doubt very happy to have the opportunity to spread his deep thoughts about freedom 'n stuff on the airwaves, but the best part is that now he can go back to paying all that child support he owes and always seem to have such a hard time paying. Yes, there was that brief time, back in April 2012, when Walsh and his ex-wife reached an agreement on the six figures of outstanding, unpaid child support he owed, and then they released a joint statement about how they "regret this public misunderstanding and the effect it has had on our children."

But old habits are hard to break'like, you know, not paying your child support because you are a deadbeat dad, and it's dads like Joe who are undermining the family, which is the very bedrock of America and civilization and why, Joe, why do you hate America?

After insisting he wasn't a 'deadbeat dad' throughout his failed campaign for re-election, ex-U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh skipped last month's child support payment and has asked to stop paying altogether. [']

'Joe's employment has been terminated through no voluntary act of his own and he is without sufficient income or assets with which to continue to pay his support obligation,' the filing states. 'Due to substantial change of circumstances, Joe requests that his child support obligation be terminated based on his present income and circumstances.'

Well, actually, it kind of was Joe's fault that his employment was terminated because voters in Illinois's 8th Congressional District decided they really didn't like him very much after all. Hard to imagine why, of course. Just because he doesn't like minorities and how easily they get suckered by Democrats into depending on government. Or how women are always tricking people like him into looking "unreasonable" on matters of reproductive rights just because he says "science and technology" have made it so women don't ever need to have abortions, even to save their own lives. Or veterans, and they way they are always blabbing on and on and on about their service and that time they lost a few limbs fighting to protect Joe Walsh's right to be an asshat. He hates that.

But now Joe has a job that will allow him to tell you, Monday through Friday, just how much he hates that'and, more importantly, he can start supporting his family again. After all, this is the guy who was honored by the Family Research Council for his "unwavering support of the family." Not his family, of course, just the family.

Congratulations, Joe. And congratulations to Joe's long-suffering abandoned family.


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