Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ads ask Republican legislators if they want to be remembered 'for inflicting pain on millions'

A group of unions is targeting key legislators with ads highlighting the pain that will be inflicted by the sequester if it's not resolved quickly. A six-figure ad buy backs the ads on television "with heavy online accompaniment," aimed at Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (seen above), California Reps. Gary Miller and Jeff Denham, Rep. Bob Gibbs of Ohio, Rep. Daniel Webster of Florida, Rep. Tom Latham of Iowa and Rep. Dan Benishek of Michigan.
How will you be remembered Senator McConnell?

For serving honorably? Or for inflicting pain on millions, just to protect tax loopholes for corporations and the richest few?

By refusing to budge, you and Republican leaders have guaranteed reckless, automatic cuts that will devastate our troops, first responders, students, educators, families, seniors, and could destroy a million American jobs.

Is this how you want to be remembered, Senator McConnell?

AFSCME, SEIU, NEA and AFT have joined to air the ads, which air on March 4 in the Washington, DC, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Orlando, Des Moines and Traverse City media markets.

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