Monday, March 4, 2013

Abbreviated pundit round-up: 'Racial entitlement,' gun control, and Woodward-Sperling

Melissa Harris-Perry at MSNBC has written a letter to Justice Antonin Scalia in which she declares Voting is no 'racial entitlement':

So, Justice Scalia, when you spew that entitlement discourse from the bench you undermine the very core of our democracy. But you know what? I want to thank you for what you said. Because on Wednesday, you showed us all exactly who you are.
George F. Will at the Washington Post tips his patrician nose a smidge higher aloft in his latest off-the-mark Op-Ed, The Voting Rights Act, stuck in the past:
Progressives are remarkably uninterested in progress. [...] they say that the Voting Rights Act, another 48-year-old, must remain unchanged, despite dramatic improvements in race relations.
Leonard Pitts Jr. at The Miami Herald explains why he is no longer naïve about voter rights in Voting Rights Act not a 'racial entitlement':
Yes, the South has changed ' largely because of the law Shelby County seeks to gut. Even so, attempts to dilute the black vote have hardly abated. We've just traded poll taxes and literacy tests for gerrymandering and Voter ID laws.

So we can ill afford to be as naïve as a top court conservative at the prospect of softening federal protection of African-American voting rights. 'Trust us,' says the South. And the whole weight of history demands a simple question in response.


A bigger batch of punditry can be read below the fold.

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