Saturday, November 17, 2012

Yep, 2016 is already here. At least for Republican governors.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (L) speaks at a campaign rally with Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in Exeter, New Hampshire January 8, 2012.   REUTERS/Brian Snyder    (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS) Make way, Mitt. The 2016ers are in the house! The Republican governors gathering for their annual meeting in Las Vegas might be pretending that 2016 isn't on their mind ...
Here in Las Vegas, the whispers of the 2016 campaign ' fanned by a contingent of reporters always in search of the next race ' were dismissed by some governors who were more eager to talk about policy than politics.

Gov. John R. Kasich of Ohio, who briefly explored a presidential bid in 1999, bristled when asked about the possibility of running. He told reporters: 'You ever read Scripture? I'm worried about today. I'm not even worried about tomorrow.'

... but you can be damn sure that it is. Look no further than New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie who suddenly found the time in his schedule to attend a purely political gathering just two weeks after Hurricane Sandy battered his state:
Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey held court with admirers as he took his first out-of-state trip since Hurricane Sandy eviscerated his state last month. He brushed aside questions from reporters, but his presence here underscored his eagerness to move beyond any bitterness among Republicans over his effusive praise of Mr. Obama in the days before the election
Also at the meeting: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (who made a splash in announcing Wisconsin would not set up an Obamacare exchange), Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (who defended the idea that the GOP shouldn't change), and Lousiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (who took aim at Mitt Romney's gift comments). These guys aren't the only 2016 prospects'potentials candidates like Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum weren't there. But take two or three of the governors, a couple of candidates from the second list, and then throw in one or two joke candidates like the second coming of Herman Cain and you can already start smelling the popcorn.

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