Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wall Street Journal says Democrats are in disarray on entitlements

Senator-elect Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is interviewed by a Reuters reporter at Sanders' office in Burlington, Vermont November 28, 2006. Sanders, a 16-year veteran of the House of Representatives who swept 65 percent of the vote in Vermont running as an independent in the Nov. 7 elections, says Congress owes voters an exhaustive probe into the White House.      REUTERS/Brian Snyder    (UNITED STATES) Sen. Bernie Sanders The Wall Street Journal is back with its favorite "Democrats in disarray" theme, with the headline "Entitlements Split Democrats." It says,
The party is split between those who would agree to major adjustments, including increasing premiums for wealthier beneficiaries and raising Medicare's eligibility age, and those who rule out such moves altogether. In the middle is a group that would tolerate some cuts as long as they didn't hit beneficiaries directly.
But the article doesn't actually have any current quotes from actual Democrats who say they'll agree to those major adjustments. They've got a statement from Sen. Dick Durbin saying he might consider means testing Medicare, but that he has been convinced by a report from the Center for American Progress that changes can be made to Medicare's administration, that don't require benefit cuts, to strengthen the program.

If there are really Democrats out there who are willing to stand up and say that they believe Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits have to be cut in exchange for any movement by Republicans on taxes, the Wall Street Journal didn't find them, even if they want us to think they did. What they did find, however, is a senator willing to stand up and put his name on the effort to keep entitlement programs safe and strong.

"You can't go after the elderly, many of whom are barely hanging on economically," said Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, an Independent aligned with the Democrats. "You can't go after the sick. You can't cut Medicare."
Well, said, Sen. Sanders.

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