Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Chronicles of Mitt: Oct 31, 2012

pen on paper: 'Dear diary'   Hello, human diary. It is I again, Mitt Romney, your better.

I am currently in Florida. I said farewell to Mr. Bus for now and am campaigning again. I am not sure if Mr. Bus will be driving our canned food and other products directly to endampened commoners, or will instead merely be placing those foodstuffs in the hands of the Red Cross, who after some badgering agreed to take it. The more I have thought on it, the less eager I am to have Mr. Bus visiting areas of the nation that have been damaged by hurricane, at least not until they are tidied up a bit.

I was quite angry with my campaign staff this morning, Mr. Diary. They informed me that since they did not know whether commoners would deliver sufficient canned goods for my photographic opportunity yesterday, they had previously gone out and purchased $5,000 worth of those goods for strategic photographic placement. This was clearly contrary to my understanding of the situation'I had been told it was to be commoners donating goods on our behalf, not me donating goods myself. I was extremely angry until my staff explained that since the goods were purchased for a campaign photographic opportunity, it would be paid for by that campaign.

That is a bit better, although still irritating; most of my campaign money has been collected from American wealth units, and I do not think many of these wealth units would be pleased if they knew their donated money was going to purchase foodstuffs for commoners. Condemning the taking of money from wealth units in order to feed commoners has been the singular message of my campaign, after all.

Ah well. I suppose in the last days of campaigning, these policies will need constant adjustment.

Other than that things have been uneventful. I continue to happily ignore the reporters. Oh, and I am a bit irritated with Chris Christie at the moment because he has apparently been talking with my opponent in the wake of this hurricane business, but I have been irritated with Chris Christie for some time now, so that is not really news.

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