Sunday, November 25, 2012

The battle against (certain) science continues apace

via Right Wing Watch Conservatism thanks you, Marco Rubio, for your recent anti-science comments. America really had not heard from as many ridiculous people as we might have, in these post-Romney days, but you managed to shake a few more of them out of their election funk and back into service as productive members of wingnuttia.

I do realize that the American Family Association is made up entirely of loopy people who exist primarily to promote the views of other loopy people, but really. I mean, really.

"The only way we can know the age of the earth is if we have eyewitness testimony of somebody who was there, and that's what we have in the Bible"
That is a good point, says American Family Association guy, while rattling off a few things that do not sound at all like good points. He at least notes that young Adam, the plucky little human made out of clay, was not an eyewitness to his own creation, but that God was, so there. Pics or it didn't happen, scientists! (But only on this one thing, mind you, not on all of the rest of science, for example, the stuff that makes that microphone in front of Fischer work. Fundamentalism tends to be famously inconsistent on these things, depending on convenience; if Fischer ever happens to be accused of murder, I expect fingerprint evidence, DNA, and even videotapes will be cast into the bin of science that is no longer valid because hey, you weren't there. It's a nice metaphysical answer for everything, especially if you are high on the pot, as these kids say today.)

We're in the year dickety-twelve, mind you, but here in America we're still fighting battles'in government, mind you'on whether "science" can be trusted if any part of "science" conflicts with some salt-of-the-earth fellow's literary opinions. Sigh. You know that if someone finds an old scroll in the desert condemning magnetism as the work of the devil, all of American society is going to crumble, right?

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