Friday, November 2, 2012

Is this really Mitt Romney's closing argument or is he moonlighting as a standup comedian?

Mitt Romney split screen image'Romney grimacing at Romney Yeah, you disgust me too Hahahahahahahahahaha:
In what his campaign billed as his 'closing argument,' Mitt Romney warned Americans that a second term for President Obama would have apocalyptic consequences for the economy in part because his own party would force a debt ceiling disaster. [...]

'You know that if the President is re-elected, he will still be unable to work with the people in Congress,' Romney said. 'He has ignored them, attacked them, blamed them. The debt ceiling will come up again, and shutdown and default will be threatened, chilling the economy.'

If I had any respect for Romney, I'd assume he was just punking everybody, but sadly, he thinks he's being serious. But no matter how serious he may think he's being, his words are every bit as hilarious as Harry Reid says they are.

No matter how good a game Mitt Romney talks about compromising on the debt ceiling, let's not forget this is the same guy who pushed Republicans to spike the debt limit deal the last time around, even though Paul Ryan and John Boehner both agreed to it. And this is the same guy who attacked Rick freaking Santorum not just for supporting that deal but also for having raised the debt ceiling five previous times:

And finally, Senator during your term in Congress, the years you've been there, government has doubled in size. You voted to raise the debt ceiling five times without compensating cuts in spending. In my view, we should not raise the debt ceiling again until we get compensating cuts in spending. A cut, cap and balance approach must be taken.
So Mitt Romney's closing argument is that he's the guy who can bring Democrats and Republicans together to get a debt ceiling deal done ... even though he opposed the last deal because he thought it was insufficiently conservative and attacked Rick Santorum of all people for being too liberal.

I mean, c'mon, Mitt. I know you think people are dumb. But do you really need to rub their face in it?


Help President Obama show Mitt Romney the door by chipping in a donation to his campaign.

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