Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hold the presses: Jim DeMint makes sense on the fiscal cliff

There are certain things you just don't expect ever to put in writing, particularly here. And this is one of them: I agree with Sen. Jim DeMint.
In a report on the dangers of legislating in lame-duck sessions, the South Carolina Republican argues, 'The American people were never presented with competing 'lame duck' agendas, so Washington has no business trying to pass one. Conservatives may not like the policy outcome in any case, but rejecting the 'lame duck' and achieving an honest, transparent process respectful of the American people and our republican institutions is significant in its own right.' [...]

The report likens lame-duck lawmakers'those who have lost a re-election campaign or are retiring but are still in office until the 113th Congress convenes in January'to zombies.

'They are free, for two months and at taxpayer expense, to vote for whatever they please ... without their constituents being able to do anything about it,' the report says.

He's right. These decision needs to be made by a Congress that can be held accountable for them, not the zombies.

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