Thursday, November 22, 2012

Cheers and Jeers: Happy Givethanksing!

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And Now For Something Completely Different

In a break from our usual format, today we're treating you to our traditional C&J hymn---BiPM Opus 4.0. In observance of Thanksgiving, we've added a few new stanzas to the classic holiday piece, We Gather Together. (Click here and watch a dude play it on his magic organ) As the holiday unfolds, may your feast be bountiful, and your couch time plentiful.

One, two, three...

We gather together to count all our blessings;
The big ones, the small ones, the ones in between.
Today there's no stressing, now please pass the dressing,
For four and twenty hours, I'm an eating machine.

Before we start noshing let's fist-bump Obama!
He beat Mitt (that stiff twit) and won four more years.
The right wing is freaking, of secession they are speaking.
A lovely sight to see: Dave and Chuck Koch in tears.

I'm hoisting this sign to show love for our unions
We praise eight-hour days and the weekends they brung
Sometimes we must picket, tell bosses where to stick it
You're heroes one and all, and too often unsung.

Now quoting Ann Romney here: "I love you WOMEN!!!"
Ms. Heitkamp emerged champ, she's off to the Hill
With Mazie and Tammy and Liz (who beat Scott B)
The Senate's full 'o dames, and kick man-butt they will.

And here is a wish from the LGBTers
Pass ENDA, nix DOMA and let us wed, too!
We just want the same rights, so let's stop these dumb fights
Please trust us when we say: we're as screwed up as you!

And let's take some pity on all the poor ice caps
I'm thinking they're shrinking and that means we'll fry.
Our planet's an oven, it needs big-time lovin'
If we don't act and fast, we can kiss this orb "Bye!"

And here's an idea: let's help out the jobless.
Stop firing, start hiring and pay decent bucks.
We need roads and bridges, in oodles not smidges,
It's great to work because the alternative sucks.

And how 'bout a scritchy or two for our pooties
They're fuzzy, they're wuzzy, they're wily and sleek
Their claws---ow!---are scratching! Their teeth---gah!---are gnashing!
Okay, no bath today. We can do it next week.

And please pass a drumstick to whiz kid Nate Silver
He crunched and he munched on the polls like fresh scones
Rasmussen's were bullshit, Peg Noonan's gut said "Mitt!!!"
Sir Nate tore them to shreds, leaving nothing but bones.

Happy Gobble Gobble, everyone. A few more goodies, including a Molly Ivins Thanksgiving bon mot, below the fold... [Swoosh!!] RIGHTNOW! [Gong!!]

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