These are all preliminary numbers, of course, subject to adjusting once final results are in. But for now, none of this points to an unexpected Romney surge:
— @ByronTau via TweetDeck
Only a quarter of voters want Obamacare repealed. Big conservative fail.
— @ByronTau via TweetDeck
Good thing President Barack Obama got it right, huh? And thanks, Chris Christie!
— @FixAaron via Seesmic twhirl
No one expected Obama to do as well as 2008, so some erosion is no big deal. But the entire Republican "unskewing" effort was predicated on turnout to look like 2004, when there was parity between Republicans and Democrats. So far, this preliminary exit poll data suggests the pollsters got it right.
— @jaketapper via web
Only of these is important to voters. Still, we should've had better numbers on the Medicare question. Obama's biggest failure this cycle was not forcefully defending entitlements. Probably because he's looking at that grand bargain in the lame duck.
— @thinkprogress via TweetDeck
Given that the polling composite showed right track-wrong track at 41-53, so 46-52 is great for us.
3:15 PM PT:— @RonBrownstein via Twitter for iPad 3:23 PM PT:
— @CarlosQC via web
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