Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Yes, America still rejects Republican ideas

It's official, according to the latest polling: Republicans are losing the sequester blame game, blame that goes along with their 72 percent disapproval rating. Ouch. But it's not just their belligerent, obstructionist, obnoxious refusal to work with President Obama and Senate Democrats to do stuff to help the country that the country hates. It's their policy ideas. Look at just two results from that poll on what spending cuts should be considered to replace the cuts in the sequester:

Charts showing disapproval of Medicare and Medicaid cuts in polling by Washington Post/ABC on the sequester, March 2013. Seventy-one percent of the people don't want Medicaid cut, a pretty remarkable number, and 60 percent oppose raising the Medicare eligibility age. Leave Medicaid and Medicare out of the sequester game, the people are saying. Instead, 58 percent support having more targeted cuts to military spending, and 56 percent think the cuts should be replaced by limiting tax deductions for individuals with high incomes.

This is consistent with all of the polling that's been done since the Republicans started manufacturing all these deficit "crises." Keep low and middle income people safe, the American public has said over and over again, and tax the wealthy. Which is precisely the opposite of the vision Republicans have for the country, the vision that lost in 2012, and the vision they'e still pushing with their latest manifesto, this year's Paul Ryan budget. Once again, Ryan wants to gut Medicare, dismantle Medicaid, and reward the already wealthy with more tax breaks.

No wonder almost three-quarters of America hates them.

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