Monday, March 11, 2013

Sen. Cornyn didn't vote for the Violence Against Women Act, but he still wants credit for it

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) speaks at CPAC 2012 Sen. John Cornyn (R-Areyoukiddingmestan) File this press release from Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) under "chutzpah":
'An unacceptable national backlog of untested rape kits has compounded the pain for too many victims of sexual assault over the years. Today, we take a significant step toward reducing that backlog.

'I'm pleased with the wide bipartisan support the SAFER Act received and with the President's signature today, law enforcement can begin working immediately to test outstanding kits and see that justice is served.'

Wow, you're probably thinking to yourself, this SAFER Act sounds like good stuff. Funny, I don't remember reading any recent headlines about the president signing it into law. And it had the support of Republican Sen. Cornyn? Wow! That's terrific. Maybe that Republican Party isn't quite so anti-woman after all! Good for you, Sen. Cornyn, for standing against your party and for women. In fact, let's throw you a ticker tape parade and have a medal engraved and'

Well, not so fast, sucker. Because while Cornyn may have once upon a time supported the SAFER Act, it is merely one element of the Violence Against Women Act that President Barack Obama signed into law once the House finally got around to passing the full, comprehensive, yes-even-women-who-aren't-straight-or-white-can-be-abused version. And that would be the version Sen. Oh So Proud of Himself didn't vote for. But seeking credit for passing legislation he voted against is all the rage among Republicans these days. Several Republicans in the House have recently applauded themselves for supporting the Violence Against Women Act'even though they voted for the fake Republican version and voted against the real version that was signed into law.

But that's what it means to be a Republican these days. When you have the opportunity to do the right thing, and you choose not to, and that choice makes you look like, oh, like maybe you don't give half a damn about women who are raped and abused, well, just lie and pretend you did the right thing anyway. Problem solved.


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