Saturday, March 9, 2013

Islamaphobic crackpot accuses CPAC crackpots of 'enforcing the Sharia' because she's a crackpot

Cracked clay pot Pamela Geller, obviously. Oooh, boy howdy, now this is some tasty crackpot soufflé. Here, have a taste:
'What are they doing at CPAC? Essentially, they are enforcing the Sharia,' said anti-Islam blogger Pamela Geller. 'Under the Sharia, the blasphemy laws, you cannot say, you cannot offend, you cannot criticize and you cannot insult Islam. That is effectively what they're doing, they are enforcing the Sharia.'
For those of you who don't have your Who's Who Guide to Crackpots handy, CPAC is the conservative convention where celebrity crackpots of the right-wing persuasion get together to listen to each other talk about how the problem with America is, you guessed it, not enough crackpots. Pamela Geller, who is a carrier of the crackpot gene on both sides of her family, spends most of her keyboard-pounding time hateblogging on the evils of The Sharia and how it's coming to get you, your kids, and your little dog too. She's also the co-founder of Stop Islamization of America, labeled a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, so you'd think she'd be a shoo-in at CPAC, like Sarah Palin and Donald Trump and Allen West, who are all cordially invited.

But Geller isn't. She's that god-freakin'-awful that even her fellow crackpots don't want to let her into their conservative circle jerk. So obviously, the only possible explanation is that CPAC, like the rest of America, has been taken over by The Islam and The Sharia. I mean, obviously, right? Not that you need any further proof, but of course she's got it:

"This year I could not get an event, I was banned,' she said, though also noted that in the past, 'I wasn't warmly welcomed because of the influence of what can only be described as Muslim Brotherhood facilitators or operatives like [ex-Bush staffer and Muslim] Suhail Khan and [anti-tax conservative ] Grover Norquist.'
Oh my stars, Grover Norquist? Grover "radical Islamic proponent of The Sharia" Norquist, who wants to shrink the government down so he can drown it in a bathtub'but only after he coverts it to The Islam? Guess Geller's right. Case closed.

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