Friday, March 8, 2013


Gun with trigger at center of image. Well, Obama didn't come for any guns this week. So people kept shooting themselves and others.

It was a slightly better week for the gun cleaners, with just five such accidents counted, a bit lower than the one-a-day pace we've been used to. On the other hand, dogs are firing weapons at an increased pace, so that can't be good news.

And if you were one of the people wondering how long it would take before one of the armed guards placed in schools following the events of 12/14 accidentally discharged a firearm inside of the school he was protecting, the answer is: about eight weeks.

Two different stories of gunmen involved in armed standoffs with police serve once again to crystallize the odds against perfect execution of protective fantasies. Speaking of which, there are also two stories that remind us of the Wild West dangers that can arise when owning a gun is decoupled from the responsibilities that go with it. It's hard not to anticipate that people will (willfully) misinterpret the message and meaning of "Stand Your Ground" laws. And so they have, shooting people dead for minor personal infractions (real or perceived), firing at retreating targets suspected of minor property crime, etc.

I'll leave the rest of the emerging themes for you to discover, in this week's dishonor roll, which you'll find below the fold.

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