Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fox News still not good at this whole jourmalism thing

Fox News logo Oops. Jim Romenesko caught an odd thing on the Fox News website from last Friday. A paragraph from a Fox News story (no author specified) on the impact of sequestration:
The Agriculture Department's programs for the poor also will see cuts in March, including the Women, Infants and Children program, which must cut its rolls by about 300,000 participants. Case workers will begin placing some who apply on a wait list, particularly those who are homeless or are non-breastfeeding mothers.
A paragraph from a Politico article by Darren Samuelsohn and Ginger Gibson posted earlier that same day:
The Agriculture Department's programs for the poor also will see cuts in March, including the Women, Infants and Children program, which must cut its rolls by about 300,000 participants. Case workers will begin placing some who apply on a wait list, particularly those who are homeless or are non-breastfeeding mothers.
There were two other paragraphs that showed suspicious similarities to the Politico piece. After inquiries, Fox pulled the story with this explanation:
Due to a reporting error, a March 1 story on the timing and impact of the sequestration cuts used information from an internal research document that contained material previously published by other news organizations. The story did not properly credit the sources of that material, and has subsequently been removed from
Well, oops.

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