Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Coke FRIDAY!!!

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Late Night Snark: In Like a Lion Edition

"In his final speech before resigning, Pope Benedict said that he is not abandoning the Catholic Church. Like most Catholics, he'll be back for Christmas and Easter."
---Jimmy Fallon

"Fox news host Bill O'Reilly is writing a new book about the killing of Jesus. It'll be the first time Jesus's death is blamed on Obamacare."
---Conan O'Brien

"Obama hosted a Google chat and somebody asked him why don't we get rid of the penny. And he said as long as we're getting rid of stuff that's bronze and useless, how about John Boehner?"
---Bill Maher

"Anyone in the TV business knows that the best way to create a hit show is not to create one---instead, import a hit show from overseas. NBC's The Office came from Britain's The Office ' and Chris Matthews' Hardball was adapted from the Irish children's program, The Very Angry Potato."
---Stephen Colbert

Antonin Scalia flipping the Italian bird Troll "Someone hacked into Donald Trump's Twitter account. It's filled with offensive nonsense and stupid jokes. Then it got hacked."
---Craig Ferguson

"He's a troll. He's saying [the Voting Rights Act is a 'perpetuation of racial entitlement'] for effect. He knows it's offensive, and he knows it's going to get a gasp from the courtroom and he loves it. He's like the guy on your blog comment thread who's using the N-word. He's that kind of guy."
---Rachel Maddow's take on Antonin Scalia, last night on The Daily Show

The legacy of Saint Ronald Reagan lives on. Rah rah.

Your west coast-friendly edition of  Cheers and Jeers starts below the fold... [Swoosh!!] RIGHTNOW! [Gong!!]

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