Monday, March 11, 2013

Brother of worst president in history is 'proud to be a Bush'

U.S. President George W. Bush (R) and his brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, REUTERS/Jim Young Jeb hopes we've all forgotten by now how much his brother sucked that one time for eight years. Okay, Jeb, you just keep telling yourself this, as you decide whether America is ready for yet another Bush in the White House:
'I don't think there's any Bush baggage at all. I love my brother. I'm proud of his accomplishments. I love my dad. I'm proud to be a Bush and if I run for president it's not because of something in my DNA that compels me to do it,' Bush said on 'Fox News Sunday' after host Chris Wallace cited a poll showing the former president with a 49 percent unfavorable rating.
This comes on the heels of Bush's attempt to channel another Republican loser, Mitt Romney, as he flip-flopped all over himself on immigration reform. It was just around the time of last year's Republican National Convention when Jeb first tried to rehabilitate his brother's reputation by insisting that President Barack Obama needs a spanking for saying mean things about his brother George. And yet, somehow, that was not quite persuasive enough, since as far as the party was concerned, Republicans had never even heard of the guy, let alone elected him president twice. (Well, okay, once.)

But then, after Romney humiliated himself and his party with that shellshocking defeat he suffered in November, a few conservatives crept out of the shadows to fondly remember Dubya because at least he wasn't as bad as Romney, so who knows? Maybe if Republicans can sustain their loser record through a few more elections, Dubya will look good enough in retrospect that Jeb might have a chance after all.

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