Friday, March 1, 2013

Abbreviated pundit roundup: Bob Woodward is petty, petulant and above all, wrong

Bob Woodward makes his case to FOX News Journalist Bob Woodward has injected himself into the sequestration debate, first by penning a grossly inaccurate piece claiming that the idea of massive, automatic spending cuts was an idea generated in the White House and now, by alleging that the White House threatened him when White House Economic Council director Gene Sperling sent Woodward a polite email "as a friend" about the potential damage to Woodward's reputation if he staked out that erroneous claim.

Paul Krugman at The New York Times:

Can Robert Redford unportray him, or star in a sequel titled 'All the president's crybabies'?
For more fallout and reasons why yes, Woodward should regret making that false sequestration claim, jump below the fold.

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