Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanks for the Romneyfreude

No inaugural retreat, but at least he's got a full tank of gas I know you're not supposed to gloat. But after reminding yourself of what Mitt Romney was doing on April 16 compared to what he's doing now, you've got to admit, it does feel pretty good.
Former Governor Mitt Romney is already offering top donors access to a special "Presidential Inaugural retreat," planned on the assumption that he will be elected president this November.

The offer, in a fundraising email circulated by a top Georgia supporter to fellow Republicans and obtained by BuzzFeed, is one of several goodies offered to those who contribute more than $50,000 to the joint fundraising committee known as "Romney Victory," a program whose outlines were first reported by POLITICO.

Those donors will be named "Founding Members" of Romney Victory and invited to a California retreat with Romney and offered "yet to be determined access at the Republican National Convention in Tampa in August."

They will also "have preferred status at the first Presidential Inaugural retreat," the email says.

Biggest waste of a billion bucks in political history. And there are no refunds, either.

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