Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Scott Brown unskews the polls showing him losing

Elizabeth Warren signing a campaign sign for a supporter The next senator from Massachusetts. It's all a big conspiracy against Scott Brown, he'll have you know. He's only losing in the polls because the people being surveyed are actually being intimidated.
'I need you to push back against that machine,'' Brown said. 'The machine that is here from the national level. It is here from the local level.'

During a phone call to WRKO, Brown suggested that some people who have responded to polls that show him down may have been intimidated by the pollsters.

'They're concerned,' he said. 'They don't know who's calling, if it's a union boss or their employer.'

And when Scott Brown loses tomorrow, it will all be the fault of the union bosses who followed their employees into the voting booth and threatened them into voting for Warren. And then the kings and queens and foreign heads of state will all be on the phone to him to offer him his next job.

Let's finish this.

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