Monday, November 19, 2012

Pelosi: Taxes must go up for wealthy

Nancy Pelosi speaks during a visit by U.S. Representatives discussing bilateral relationships between Egypt and the U.S., in Cairo March 15, 2012. REUTERS/Esam Al-Fetori (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS) House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi couldn't be more clear: The Bush tax cuts for the rich have to expire.
When ABC's Martha Raddatz asked Pelosi in an interview whether she would accept a deal that did not include tax rate hikes for the rich, the House's top Democrat had a short answer: 'No.'

'The president made it very clear in his campaign that there is not enough'there are not enough resources,' Pelosi said in an interview aired Sunday on ABC's 'This Week.

'Just to close loopholes is far too little money ' If it's going to bring in revenue, the president has been very clear that the higher income people have to pay their fair share.'

Despite that, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is trying to pretend otherwise, telling Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer that Pelosi and President Obama aren't on the same page on the budget.
'What I hear you saying is that the president is not in lock-step with Nancy Pelosi when it comes to tax rates versus revenue meaning and suggesting that he may go along with your deal as opposed to raising tax rates. Do you see that as a possibility?' Hemmer asked.

'I see that as a possibility. I think elections are over. Let's sit down and find a bipartisan way that we can solve this problem, not go to a fiscal cliff while at the same time have a pro-growth agenda where we grow jobs,' McCarthy said.

Here's what President Obama said about tax cuts for the wealthy in his press conference last Wednesday: "But when it comes to the top 2 percent, what I'm not going to do is extend further a tax cut for folks who don't need it, which would cost close to a trillion dollars."

That sounds an awful lot like what Pelosi was saying this weekend. Which means, as usual, House Republican leadership is full of shit.

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