Monday, November 5, 2012

In private conference call, Ryan tells evangelicals that Obama threatens 'Judeo-Christian values'

Paul Ryan washes dishes at a Youngstown, Ohio soup kitchen. According to news reports, the dishes were already clean. Hmm. Not sure we should let the guy who washed clean dishes tell us about religious values. Just in case there was any lingering doubt about whether Moderate Mitt is anything but a mirage, Paul Ryan'in remarks first reported by BuzzFeed's Zeke Miller'makes it clear that despite the eleventh-hour appearance of Moderate Mitt, the GOP is still at its core the same old Republican Party:
Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan told a group of Evangelical Christians Sunday that President Obama's plans threaten "Judeo-Christian values" ' a dramatic charge aimed at the Republican base, and delivered during a conference call that did not appear on his public schedule.

In his remarks to what organizers said were tens of thousands of members of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Ryan said that President Barack Obama's path for the next four years is a "dangerous" one.

"[It is] a path that compromises those values ' those Judeo-Christian values that made us a great nation in the first place," he said, referring to religious liberty and Obamacare.

And what makes Obamacare a threat to religious liberty? The fact that it requires insurers to cover birth control at no extra charge. According to Paul Ryan, all employers'whether or not they are religious institutions'should be given the right to revoke that coverage from the health insurance plans they offer employees. Otherwise, he says, it poses such a fundamental threat to religious liberty that it undermines the "those Judeo-Christian values that made us a great nation in the first place."

It's crazy enough that Paul Ryan thinks employers should be able to choose whether or not women should be able to receive birth control coverage on their insurance plans, but that the fact that he thinks this could destroy our civilization? That's insane.

Of course, there's always the possibility'well, probability'that Ryan's Obamcare/religious liberty explanation is just a smokescreen, and his comments are intended to serve as the shrillest of dog-whistles to the conservative white Christians who Romney and Ryan need in order to make a respectable showing in tomorrow's election, let alone to have a prayer of winning.


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