Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hell to Pay: Pelosi tells us 'democracy is on the ballot'

Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hands the speaker's gavel to incoming House Speaker John Boehner after Boehner was elected Speaker on the opening day of the 112th United States Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, January 5, 2011. We really need her to have the gavel back. Hell to Pay bug Nancy Pelosi has a message for you: get out the message and get out the vote. She wanted Kossacks to hear from her now, in the last few days that we have before the election, to energize us and to help us get our message out about why this election is so important.

Here's what she had to say about our prospects for getting the House back.

It's all close. When we lost the House two years ago it was 250.000 votes that made the difference. You would have thought it was 90 zillion votes. But 250,000 across the country, whether it was 200 votes here, 800 there, 1,500 and then up to bigger margins. But it wasn't that many votes in the country that determined the majority in the House. So we're in a situation of too close to call races.
Speaker Pelosi project bug Think about that for a second: 250,000 votes, across the country ground governing in America to a halt. Those 250,000 votes across the country led to the extreme Republican party taking government hostage and trying to roll the clock back generations. Leader Pelosi tells it:
Again, it's hard, it shouldn't be this hard because what's on the ballot is Medicare. Republicans have voted six times to repeal the Medicare guarantee, to turn it into a voucher. Women's hard fought rights are on the ballot, and yet women have responded to Romney because he says he's bipartisan, which isn't even factually correct. But we have to make sure everybody understands what the truth is. We must insist on the truth. A democracy is on the ballot. A dozen guys sitting around the table in Arizona or Texas or someplace putting up hundreds of millions of secret money? We cannot validate that as our system.

Upgrade the Senate bug

That's where we come in. We will not validate that as our system. Millions of $3 and $5 and $30 donations from millions of people can defeat the Super PACs. In the long run, it will probably be the only thing that can defeat them: our combined forces against a handful of people with millions, beating them. Making their millions ineffective is the best way to take our political system back.

Fight for Marriage bug
That means opening up your wallet. It doesn't have to be a lot of money, whatever you can spare, to whatever candidate you prefer. But you have to do it. To take back the House. To make the Senate more progressive. To make sure Mitt Romney is not the president to pick the next Supreme Court Justice. To make sure a handful of extremely powerful and rich bigots don't take away basic civil rights from the LGBT community. Goal Thermometer

Dig as deep as you can. And while you're at it, listen to Leader Pelosi talk about why this is so important. Here's the first half of our conversation. Come back tomorrow night for the second part, in which we talk Michele Bachmann, Allen West, and Mitt Romney.

That's worth chipping in what you can, no?

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