Saturday, November 17, 2012

American Family Association's Fischer says 9/11 terrorists were 'agents of God's wrath'

(Right Wing Watch) The religious far-right, ladies and gentlemen. Or as we call them, the American Taliban:
As he traditionally does at the beginning of every radio program, Bryan Fischer dedicated the opening segment yesterday to a reading and discussion from the Bible. In this case, he was reading from Isaiah 10 in which the prophet explains that God had sent the Assyrians to invade Israel as judgment, which prompted Fischer to declare that the same  thing happened to America as "the jihadists on 9/11 were the agents of God's wrath in order to get our attention as a people."
I'm trying to imagine the reaction if any non-far-right figure suggested the 9/11 attackers were just doing God's work. Think they'd be burnt at the stake?

Let's not even bother with the parts about how God often arranges for other nation's military forces to teach good Christian folks a rough lesson now and then, just to keep his chosen flock on their toes, or the part about how hey, 9/11 sucked but at least now folks sing "God Bless America" at baseball games and how that's a big improvement right there. It's been a long week, and I just don't have the energy.

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