Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mr. 'Independent' Scott Brown promises endless obstruction of Obama in campaign pitch

Scott Brown Sen. Scott Brown. Political genius.
(DonkeyHotey) You'd think Sen. Scott Brown's (R-MA) campaign would have learned by now that fundraising emails sent to supporters don't just go to supporters, and what they write in them is fair game. But apparently not.

His latest misguided missive was sent to national Republicans. It makes Brown'who likes to sell himself as an independent man, willing to reach across the aisle to solve the nation's problems'sound like your average tea partier.

"I know there are several other GOP campaigns to support, but this race is THE battleground for the United States Senate'the only sure hedge to a potential second term for President Obama," Brown wrote in the appeal.
So the only thing standing between the tyranny of a second Obama term and freedom is Scott Brown, and he promises unabated obstructionism if reelected. Put that with his recent very Republican votes, for the Blunt amendent to allow employers to take birth control coverage away from their workers; filibustering the Buffett Rule; and now this. "Independent," "bipartisan" Scott Brown is just another Republican, as partisan as they come.

That'll go over well in Massachusetts. The Elizabeth Warren campaign gets that, and is using it in a fundraising pitch of their own.

Chip in $5 to Elizabeth Warren. Help fight Republican obstruction.

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