Sunday, September 30, 2012

Some Mormons plan day of fasting, prayer to help Mitt in the debates

Rom Kippur? RT @mckaycoppins: Mormons Plan To Fast For Romney
' @joshgreenman via Twitter for iPhone

There's an email going around conservative Mormon circles calling for a day of prayer and fasting on behalf of, yes, Mitt Romney. Specifically, for a day of prayer and fasting to help Mitt Romney not suck during the upcoming debates. Now that's a darn specific request.

"I am asking you to join me and my family on Sunday Sept. 30 by fasting and praying for Mitt Romney," the author writes. "That he will be blessed in the debates, which will be held starting Oct. 3rd. I know that seems like such a small thing, but I believe 'from small things, great things can come about.'"
I actually think this is kind of sweet, although the idea of forgoing food to help a rich person do better cuts a little close to the bone. Lots of people forgo food to help rich people do better, though it's not often (cough) so voluntary. Then there's the big ol' whatever-this-is that gets included here:
One Mormon wrote, ""This is from one of our Sister Service Missionaries in our ward. I have been concerned that Obama, with his fast talking and lies, will appear to be better in the debates. It is true, his only redeeming quality seems to be his ability to confound those who would speak the truth."
Sheesh. Well, that sure killed the mood.

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