Wednesday, March 13, 2013

White House tours beating out housing for the poor in sequester coverage

North portico of the White House. Thank you, news media, for reporting on Republican outrage over White House tours rather than the sequester's effect on poor people and their ability to keep a roof over their heads:
Over 12,000 news hits cite WH tours, while under 1,000 cite cuts to housing assistance. (Housing cuts hit the poor: )
' @AriMelber via web Congressional Republicans make a big issue out of one of the sequester cuts affecting the fewest people, and this is the result: a clear example of why we can't have nice things.

As a reminder, the housing assistance cuts caused by sequestration will hit up to 225,000 people who have been in housing programs or homeless shelters, potentially putting them on the street, while up to 775,000 low-income women and their children could lose or be denied nutrition assistance. That is what is receiving less attention than White House tours being cancelled.

Tell Republicans to quit whining about White House tours and focus on what really matters. Maybe if we're lucky, the media will follow their lead.

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