Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sorry, ladies, but fetus-worshippers would still like eggs to have more rights than you

A photograph of a fertilized human egg Nope, still not a person In 2011, the fetus-worshipping cult known as Personhood USA tried to get Mississippians to vote on Amendment 26, which would have, through the miracle of modern anti-science, turned a fertilized egg into a full-grown person, with more rights and protections than the woman carrying it.

Fortunately for women, science and the dignity of the state of Mississippi, voters told the cultists to suck it, and the measure was defeated. Just like it was defeated in Colorado'twice. So of course the cultists are back to try again, as Kate Sheppard at Mother Jones reports:

On Tuesday, the group's Mississippi chapter announced that it is working to get personhood back on the ballot. The Associated Press reports that the group filed paperwork with the secretary of state's office on Tuesday in hopes of getting it on the 2015 ballot[.]
When these nuts can't even get their dream legislation passed in Mississippi, a state that is plenty hostile to women's reproductive rights, you'd think they might take the hint and realize it just ain't gonna happen. But these people are crazy and stupid, so lucky you, Mississippi, you might get your chance to tell them to suck it all over again.

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