Thursday, December 20, 2012

Reid: Senate will not hold vote on Boehner's 'Plan B'

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) speaks to the media after a caucus meeting with Senate Democrats on Capitol Hill in Washington August 1, 2011. Sen. Harry Reid Calling it one of "a number of pointless political stunts," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid ruled out a vote on House Speaker John Boehner's alternative fiscal cliff curb proposal, his so-called "Plan B."
'We're not picking up any of the things they're working on over there now,' Reid told reporters. 'It's very unfortunate Republicans are wasting an entire week on a number of pointless political stunts.'  [...]

Reid said Boehner should schedule a House vote on the Senate-passed bill to extend the Bush-era tax rates for family income below $250,000.  
'The Senate bill is the only one that will be signed into law. We can protect middle-class families tomorrow. The Speaker refuses to bring our bill to the floor because it would pass,' Reid said.

Reid had been planning to keep the Senate running through the weekend to deal with Hurricane Sandy relief and a few other bills, but Sen. Daniel Inouye's death changed that. Now, the Senate will be out this weekend so senators can attend Inouye's funeral in Hawaii. They'll come back in session on Thursday, Dec. 27 to not vote on Boehner's latest exercise in futility.

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